Monday, January 30, 2012

January Recap

Since tomorrow is the last day of January, I figured I should recap how this month has been for me.  I've stuck with my healthy lifestyle for 33 days now! And I've been working out for about 4 weeks (3x/week).

When I first weighed myself (on Jan 4 in workout clothes)...I weighed 146 lbs.  Now, I am 141.5 lbs.  First thing in the morning, without clothes on, I am around 138.6 lbs.  But since I set my goals based on the 146, that is what I am counting.  I am 1.5 lbs away from my first goal weight!!!

I also saw someone today who I haven't seen since the new year and she told me I looked really good and like I've lost weight. She really has no idea how happy that made me!!!

So far, I am really proud of myself.  I am on my way to living a much healthier lifestyle.  I haven't made that many drastic changes and I am extremely happy with where I am.  I've also noticed that I haven't been having the afternoon crash lately.  Between eating right and working out, I can definitely feel a difference in my energy level.

Goodbye January, Hello February!!!

Awesome Cookie Recipe

About a month ago, I bought a box of instant oatmeal hoping to make shakes with them.  Shortly after this, I realized we don't have a blender.  So the box has been sitting there ever since.  On Saturday, I decided to make oatmeal cookies!

I started with this recipe and then added dark chocolate.  First thing I decided to do was double the batch....BIG MISTAKE. It seriously made like 10 dozen cookies. I actually have about 3 dozen still in cookie dough form in my fridge because I got sick of baking after 72 cookies....

My only addition: adding about 6 oz. of dark chocolate morsels

These cookies are seriously to die for!  They are so moist and yummy! When I make them again, I think I will substitute some ingredients for healthy options from this list.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Butternut Squash Fries

Tonight, these butternut squash fries were a part of my dinner.  I found the recipe here :

I bought the squash awhile ago and finally decided to make it.  It was an extremely simple recipe, only three ingredients (butternut squash, canola oil, salt)

The two keys to it tasting good are : salt and ketchup!  I may even go as far as saying ketchup is the only key.  I tried them without ketchup and I was quite scared they weren't going to be good.  But as soon as I used ketchup, they tasted just like fries!!!

They weren't very crispy, so next time I will use less canola oil.  I don't think my squash was as big, so I think I used too much.

My only complaint is that they take 40 minutes in the oven, plus close to 20 minutes to prepare.  I don't think they are something that I would have time to make during the week.

These are a GREAT alternative to french fries; I would definitely recommend them!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Don't forget to PUMP IRON!

Fact: Cardio burns more calories than strength training DURING.
Fact: Strength training burns more calories than cardio, AFTER the fact.

That means, if you complete 1 hour of strength training, you will burn 100 more calories in the 24 hours after working out than if you hadn't lifted. And as I'm sure many of you know, muscle burns more calories than fat.

Simply dieting and doing cardio will not help you reach the results you desire.  Muscle helps your that means once you reach your goal weight, as long as you eat a reasonable diet, it will be much easier to maintain than if you didn't lift weights.

This whole revelation is making me re-think my "GOAL WEIGHT".  Maybe I shouldn't put so much pressure on weighing 125.  Realistically, the only person who sees my weight is me and my doctor.  I'm going to contemplate this....maybe my first goal will be fitting into my jeans better...they feel so wonderfully snug today!

This week I started working out four times instead of three.  I've actually really started to love going to the gym on my lunch break.  During that one-hour, I don't have to think about work! It's been quite nice.  Also, because I am not putting so much focus on cardio, I don't dread going.  I was actually incredibly excited to go today....WHICH NEVER, EVER, EVER happens.  But because I knew I only had to burn 250 calories during cardio and then I was free to lift, I was excited!

If you still have more questions on the benefits of strength training, try visiting this website :

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Future Me

I just found a GREAT way to make sure I keep my healthy lifestyle going.  Well maybe not make sure I keep doing it, but a great way to get motivation to start up again if I fall off the bandwagon.

If you go to this website: you can write a letter to yourself, in the future.  You can set it up for any date...1 year, 5 years, 10 years, anything.  I think it is a really great way to make sure you've done the things you've always wanted and possibly keep yourself in check.

If you always said you would go to Paris when you were 30...send yourself an e-mail for when you're 29.  Sometimes we forget what things were once really important to us....who better to remind you than the person who found it the most important.

For now, I just wrote myself one for 2013...but who knows, maybe I'll write more!  I really love this idea and I hope some of you write a letter to yourself as well.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Bad Weekend Habits

Am I the only one who finds it VERY easy to stray from a healthy diet on the weekends?  Between friends wanting to meet up and watch sports, going out to dinner, and drinking, it's so hard to be good!!  I try to make good choices, but it is very hard when there are so many yummy options on the menu.

In order to make up for my poor choices this weekend, I think I'm going to work-out an extra day this week.  I really like working out on my lunch break.  Even if I don't really feel like working out, I really like to get away from my desk.  It is much easier to talk myself into going while I'm at work than if I had to wake up early or stay late.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bye, Bye Love Handles

The thought of wearing a bikini in 4-5 months is a pretty scary thought! So instead of looking like this : are some great exercises to target Love Handles!

And remember....for best results, these need to be completed along with your regular cardio/lifting routines.  Full body workouts that are designed for weight loss, paired with muscle building exercises is the formula for success (which can be applied to any area of the body!).

The Killer Twists
1. Find a weight. A 5-lb. medicine ball is a good starting point.
2. Get into a low squat position and hold the ball to one side of your body
3. Stand up tall and twist your body to the other side. Your arms should be above your head
4. Return to starting position and Repeat. 3 sets of 8-12 reps on each side should do the trick! Make sure you do the sets in a row without a break. This will keep your heart rate up. If you need a break try to keep it around 30 seconds.

                                 Step 2                                          Step 3

Dumbbell Side Dips
1. Hold a weight in one of your hands (around hip height)
2. Bend your body to lower the weight closer to the floor (as far as you can)
3. Now, bend your body the opposite way to lift the weight as high as you can.
4. 3 sets of 8-12 reps on each side

                                Step 1                                          Step 2

Weight Pass Around
1. Use a weight or medicine ball (around 5-lbs.) and sit on the floor, feet flat on the ground.
2. Lift your legs up slightly and grab the medicine ball with both hands.
3. Turn your upper body at the waist, towards your right and place the ball behind your back.
4. Return to starting position (without ball)
5. Retrieve ball by turning back to your right. Do not move your legs.
6. 3 sets of 8-12 reps on each side.

Do you have any other favorite oblique exercises? A great website for finding exercises is

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Healthy Snacks

Because it is human nature to snack, I wanted to share some of my favorite healthy snacks with you!


As a rule of thumb : keep your snacks between 100-200 calories.  Stick to the lower end of this if you are trying to lose weight.

Always keep these metabolism boosting foods in mind when your stomach starts growling!


What are some of your favorite snacks?

Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse

As I was researching Health and Fitness topics, one thing that really intrigued me was doing a cleanse.  Having never done one before and not knowing much about them, I didn't really want to spend hundreds of dollars trying one.

Then, I came across this cleanse.  It seemed very easy and for only $5, what did I have to lose? Because I had been sick for the past few days, I decided to wait until today to begin the cleanse.  The only thing you have to do is mix 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with 8 oz of water and drink before every meal.  It is supposed to help cleanse your body and curb your appetite.

The article made it seem like this vinegar would taste TERRIBLE.  And knowing it was vinegar, I prepared for the worst.  But, because it is so really is not that bad.  Would I drink it just for fun? No. But if I feel that the cleanse really does work, I might be trying this cleanse much more often.

I am very excited to keep you updated on how my appetite is compared to normal.  Right after drinking it, I didn't want to look at any food (but that might just be because I drank vinegar water first thing in the morning :-p!)

Now, I am off to eat breakfast, get ready for the day and head off to the local Farmer's Market!  Hopefully I come back with some good stuff!

Friday, January 6, 2012

"'Tis healthy to be sick sometimes." - Thoreau

This is what I have felt like for the past 48 hours....

I absolutely HATE being sick! (But I did not mind cuddling up in bed with my dog and watching the food network for the last two days!)

It was disappointing to not be able to go to the gym today, but I know that I need a lot of rest in order to fight this cold.  Since I wasn't able to make it to the gym, I made sure to keep eating healthy.

Eating healthy is a huge part of losing weight!!  Even with regular exercise it is very hard to lose weight when you are treating your body as a garbage disposal.

My side dish to tonights dinner (whole wheat spaghetti with marinara sauce...I was feeling lazy!)
Cauliflower Poppers (Recipe) :

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dinner : Spaghetti Squash

Through Pinterest, I discovered Spaghetti Squash.  I was really excited to find it at the store yesterday so I decided to make it for dinner tonight.  Now, let me warn you...people will tell you it tastes like spaghetti. It does tastes like squash.  However, as long as you like squash or zucchini, you should like this.  Overall, I thought it was good. But I liked having a veggie or two for each bite to help with the taste.  In the future, I may try making this with spaghetti sauce as well.

Because I had no idea where to even begin, I used this recipe to get me started.
I preheated the oven to 350 degrees and started on my mission to try and cut the Spaghetti Squash in half.

And let me tell you...this was no easy task.  Based on what was on the sticker that came on the squash, I decided to microwave it for about 75 seconds.  This made it much easier to cut!

Once it was cut, I laid it face down on a greased baking pan and put it into the oven for 30 minutes.  Note : after going through this process, I think it would be easier to take the pulp out of the squash and the insides would cook better if you gut out all of the orange parts of the squash (just the top center portion) and the seeds.

After baking, this is what your squash should look like.  (Actually it will look a little different because you will have removed the whole middle portion!) You need to make sure you let it cool so you will be able to handle it.  While it cools, you can get started on your veggie toppings or pasta sauce.

Because I do not like tomatoes, onions, peppers, or mushrooms (haha, yes I know!), I decided to stick to some of my favorite veggies for the top.  I added a few tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil to a skillet and put the carrots and broccoli in.  I let them cook until they turned a little brown and then I took them out.  Next I put the black olives on the skillet just until they were warm.

Next, I used a fork to scrape out the pulp.

I had a harder time with this because I hadn't taken the seeds and orange-ish part. So I un-tangled that and threw it out.  But, next time I will make sure to take that portion out before I put the squash into the oven!

Now all that is left is plating your dinner.  I added my vegetables, threw on some Olive Oil and topped it off with some parmesan cheese.  Overall, it was an easy, filling meal that I am sure to try in many more variations in the future!

My Shopping List

As promised, I am posting my grocery shopping list.  I was running low on vegetables so, I decided to hit the grocery store last night.  From experience, I know that if I am running low on healthy options, I am more likely to choose unhealthy options.

I think it is very important to make a shopping list before heading to the store.  Not only does it make your trip faster, it adds structure to your trip.  You're less likely to be tempted by food while you're at home as opposed to in the cookie aisle.  You may also want to skip going down that aisle at all, if possible!

Since I'm new to the whole healthy cooking thing, I wanted to research some easy dinner recipes before I left.  One thing I struggle with is many recipes include 10-15 ingredients...which can get expensive very fast.  One of my new favorite websites is Kraft Recipes.  In addition to having a healthy living section, they also have recipes with minimal ingredients.  I would also suggest either investing in a spice rack for about $30 or buying a few spices during each trip.  This will make it seem less overwhelming.

5 Must-have Herbs and Spices:
5. Oregano
4. Rosemary
3. Basil
2. Garlic
1. Black Pepper

Ok, without further ado, here is my shopping list from last night:
  • Pre-Cooked and Peeled Hard-boiled eggs (great time saver!!!...available next to the regular eggs)
  • Asparagus (Recipe)
  • Cucumbers
  • Organic Baby Carrots
  • Veggie Slices (Healthy alternative to cheese singles)
  • Califlower (Recipe)
  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Tazo Green Tea
  • Brown Rice
  • Whole Wheat Spaghetti
  • Tomato Bisque Soup -- one of my guilty pleasures that I cannot give up...I add skim milk/water and brown rice to keep this option healthy.
  • Black Olives
  • Ground Pepper
  • Kosher Salt
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (more to come on this later...)
  • Parsley
  • Chili Powder
  • Cumin
  • Diet Snapple Raspberry Tea
  • Gluten Free Teriyaki Sauce
  • Green Beans
What I bought last time but didn't need to replace yet:
  • Greek Yogurt with honey
  • Granola
  • Skim Milk
  • Special K w/ Chocolate
  • Turkey
  • Whole Wheat bread
  • Lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Strawberries
  • Quinoa
  • Cinnamon Almonds
  • Rice Cakes
  • low-fat cottage cheese
  • natural peanut butter
  • 100 calorie packs
  • pears
  • dark chocolate
Side note: the store I went to did not have good chicken or fish, so I will still be purchasing that!

What are some of your favorite foods?

Commit to be Fit

To me, it is always intimidating to go to a new gym.  You don't know where things are, what equipment is available or the overall processes of that gym (Suggestion: Ask for a tour of your new gym before your first workout).

After making my way through the locker room, I was feeling as intimidated as ever.  I felt like everyone else at the gym knew exactly what they were doing (which I know is not true!).  I looked over towards the treadmills; knowing that I am out-of-shape, I figured this would not be a good starting point.  I was hoping to use the elliptical but those were very full, so I decided on the exercise bike.  I wanted to do 25 minutes of cardio, to get my heartbeat up.  There were definitely moments that I wanted to quit, but I knew I had to push myself.  I knew it was all mental and even if I had to lower the intensity level, I could make it.

After finishing my cardio, I wanted to do some lifting or ab work.  I still wasn't feeling quite comfortable using the machines, so I decides on ab work.  I kept it simple...a 60-second plank and 50 crunches (5 sets of 10 reps)

Plank : 

Once I get more experienced, I want to start working in more planks and side planks.  I have read that crunches can actually cause damage to your spinal cord. (See : Article)

Side Plank :

  What are your favorite ab workouts?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


So...I made it through my first workout of 2012 and I'm pretttty sure I already look like this :

Well, maybe not.

Before I started my workout, I weighed myself. 146 lbs. While this may not seem like a lot to some of you, it is to me.  This is the most I have ever weighed.  According to this ideal weight tracker, my ideal weight it 134 with a healthy range of 119-149.  I'm just FOUR pounds from being outside of my recommended weight range.  Now again, this may seem like no big deal to some people but the fact that I have gained probably 20 pounds in the last 3 years is scary to me. Not to mention I was 138 less than 1 year ago.  I do not want to continue that trend.

So now it's time to make some goals :

  • 1st check-point : 140 (I will reward myself for hitting each check-point with some new work out apparel)
  • 2nd check-point : 130
  • Goal weight : 125 (Haven't decided this reward yet....ideas?)

I have never been able to wear skirts like this because of my body shape (aka - I have love handles).  So this is a huge personal goal for me.

  • I want to work out at least 3 days a week, even where there are a million reasons not to.
  • When it gets warmer, I want to try stand-up paddle boarding
  • Most importantly, I want to keep myself motivated.  I want to change my lifestyle and I want to be happy with my body.
Next blog : My First Workout

And So it Begins....

Hello! I want to start off this blog by introducing my weight-loss/dieting background....

  • I've worked out before.  I played sports in high school and I used to be very active.  I've done some running, I've been a member of a gym, and I've done the exercise tapes.
  • I've dieted before. I've tried Weight Watchers and counting a means to eat healthier not necessarily to lose weight.
  • I'm by no means overweight.  But I could definitely lose 20 to make myself healthier.
But....I don't know how to maintain a healthier lifestyle.  I've never been successful at sticking with working out or dieting for more than a month or two.  That is the theme of this I will change my lifestyle to become a healthier, more confident woman.  And losing a few pounds won't hurt either! :)  I want to share this journey with others who face the same challenges.

This motivation came about mostly through Pinterest. There are so many motivational images/recipes/quotes that it is almost impossible to not become motivated.  (PS...I am just getting started on Pinterest but please check out my boards!)

So I'm motivated to lose weight....what now?  Unfortunately, you cannot lose weight by sitting on the computer staring at 6 pack abs.  (If anyone knows how to do this....PLEASE share!)  The first thing I did (and am still doing) was research.  I wanted to know what other people did, what works, and see actual success stories.


Because I am getting a late start on this blog, I am going to recap everything I have done for the past week.  I don't want this to be another New Years Resolution that I don't keep; I started this the day after Christmas.

Step #1 : Cut pop out of my diet completely.
I am the person who drank one diet pop per day (sometimes TWO).  This combines two out of four of the NEVER EATS on this list.  I'm currently on DAY 9 and couldn't be more proud of myself.  I even avoided any pop on New Year's Eve!  It really hasn't been as hard for me as I thought.  I haven't gotten any caffeine headaches and I made a conscious decision to make sure there is no pop in my apartment.

Step #2 : Go grocery shopping.
Since I've lived on my own my pantry and freezer are always full and my fridge is empty.  I'm starting to realize just how unhealthy that is.  I pretty much lived off of canned soup, pasta, and anything in a box.  So I again, started to research healthy food...keeping in mind what I would eat, and what I know would end up being thrown out.  And then I made a list of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks to insure I would have enough options to eat for each meal.  Next time I go grocery shopping, I will put my grocery list up!  I wanted to make sure I had as many fresh foods available as possible.  It has been a great experience to actually cook fresh veggies for dinner instead of throwing some Rice-a-roni on the stove!

Step #3 : Join a Gym.
I've been working at my company for 1 year. I've been talking about joining the gym at my work for AT LEAST 6 months.  I finally gave in and joined.  It is only $26 a month and is extremely convenient!!  I have chosen to work out during my lunch; it gives me a great excuse to get away from my desk for an hour a day!  I usually get suckered into just working through my lunch because I'd rather be productive.  My current plan is to work out 3 days a week for about 45 minutes.  25-30 doing cardio and 15-20 doing lifting/abs, etc.  I still have a lot more research to do when it comes to this.  I have always been bad about knowing what types of work outs will most benefit me. More to come on this as I become better educated.

I think for now, that pretty much catches us up to where I am currently.  To come soon : what groceries I buy, what workouts I'm doing, deciding which cleanse to try and more....

Today will be my first workout of 2012 and I am very excited.  I'm sure it will be miserable, so I'm going to end this with some thinspiration!!