Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bye, Bye Love Handles

The thought of wearing a bikini in 4-5 months is a pretty scary thought! So instead of looking like this :

....here are some great exercises to target Love Handles!

And remember....for best results, these need to be completed along with your regular cardio/lifting routines.  Full body workouts that are designed for weight loss, paired with muscle building exercises is the formula for success (which can be applied to any area of the body!).

The Killer Twists
1. Find a weight. A 5-lb. medicine ball is a good starting point.
2. Get into a low squat position and hold the ball to one side of your body
3. Stand up tall and twist your body to the other side. Your arms should be above your head
4. Return to starting position and Repeat. 3 sets of 8-12 reps on each side should do the trick! Make sure you do the sets in a row without a break. This will keep your heart rate up. If you need a break try to keep it around 30 seconds.

                                 Step 2                                          Step 3

Dumbbell Side Dips
1. Hold a weight in one of your hands (around hip height)
2. Bend your body to lower the weight closer to the floor (as far as you can)
3. Now, bend your body the opposite way to lift the weight as high as you can.
4. 3 sets of 8-12 reps on each side

                                Step 1                                          Step 2

Weight Pass Around
1. Use a weight or medicine ball (around 5-lbs.) and sit on the floor, feet flat on the ground.
2. Lift your legs up slightly and grab the medicine ball with both hands.
3. Turn your upper body at the waist, towards your right and place the ball behind your back.
4. Return to starting position (without ball)
5. Retrieve ball by turning back to your right. Do not move your legs.
6. 3 sets of 8-12 reps on each side.

Do you have any other favorite oblique exercises? A great website for finding exercises is http://www.divine.ca/en/health/exercise-finder/c_266/

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