Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And So it Begins....

Hello! I want to start off this blog by introducing my weight-loss/dieting background....

  • I've worked out before.  I played sports in high school and I used to be very active.  I've done some running, I've been a member of a gym, and I've done the exercise tapes.
  • I've dieted before. I've tried Weight Watchers and counting a means to eat healthier not necessarily to lose weight.
  • I'm by no means overweight.  But I could definitely lose 20 to make myself healthier.
But....I don't know how to maintain a healthier lifestyle.  I've never been successful at sticking with working out or dieting for more than a month or two.  That is the theme of this I will change my lifestyle to become a healthier, more confident woman.  And losing a few pounds won't hurt either! :)  I want to share this journey with others who face the same challenges.

This motivation came about mostly through Pinterest. There are so many motivational images/recipes/quotes that it is almost impossible to not become motivated.  (PS...I am just getting started on Pinterest but please check out my boards!)

So I'm motivated to lose weight....what now?  Unfortunately, you cannot lose weight by sitting on the computer staring at 6 pack abs.  (If anyone knows how to do this....PLEASE share!)  The first thing I did (and am still doing) was research.  I wanted to know what other people did, what works, and see actual success stories.


Because I am getting a late start on this blog, I am going to recap everything I have done for the past week.  I don't want this to be another New Years Resolution that I don't keep; I started this the day after Christmas.

Step #1 : Cut pop out of my diet completely.
I am the person who drank one diet pop per day (sometimes TWO).  This combines two out of four of the NEVER EATS on this list.  I'm currently on DAY 9 and couldn't be more proud of myself.  I even avoided any pop on New Year's Eve!  It really hasn't been as hard for me as I thought.  I haven't gotten any caffeine headaches and I made a conscious decision to make sure there is no pop in my apartment.

Step #2 : Go grocery shopping.
Since I've lived on my own my pantry and freezer are always full and my fridge is empty.  I'm starting to realize just how unhealthy that is.  I pretty much lived off of canned soup, pasta, and anything in a box.  So I again, started to research healthy food...keeping in mind what I would eat, and what I know would end up being thrown out.  And then I made a list of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks to insure I would have enough options to eat for each meal.  Next time I go grocery shopping, I will put my grocery list up!  I wanted to make sure I had as many fresh foods available as possible.  It has been a great experience to actually cook fresh veggies for dinner instead of throwing some Rice-a-roni on the stove!

Step #3 : Join a Gym.
I've been working at my company for 1 year. I've been talking about joining the gym at my work for AT LEAST 6 months.  I finally gave in and joined.  It is only $26 a month and is extremely convenient!!  I have chosen to work out during my lunch; it gives me a great excuse to get away from my desk for an hour a day!  I usually get suckered into just working through my lunch because I'd rather be productive.  My current plan is to work out 3 days a week for about 45 minutes.  25-30 doing cardio and 15-20 doing lifting/abs, etc.  I still have a lot more research to do when it comes to this.  I have always been bad about knowing what types of work outs will most benefit me. More to come on this as I become better educated.

I think for now, that pretty much catches us up to where I am currently.  To come soon : what groceries I buy, what workouts I'm doing, deciding which cleanse to try and more....

Today will be my first workout of 2012 and I am very excited.  I'm sure it will be miserable, so I'm going to end this with some thinspiration!!

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